Simple white magnifying glass icon with small house inside

Pest Inspections Portland OR

Prevent Pests with Regular Inspections

Old Portland homes often settle over time. Or new renovations can unintentionally leave your home open to pests and wildlife. So it’s a good idea to have a preventative pest control inspection about every twelve months. Regular inspections are part of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

That’s why Pest & Pollinator offers complete pest inspections as an affordable one-time service, or regularly at any frequency you’d like. 

How Do I Avoid Pests at Home Naturally?

The best way to prevent pests like rodents, stink bugs & wildlife in the home is to inspect regularly for any openings where pests can enter. Check for gaps under garage doors, around foundation vents, dormer corners and separating gutter lines. Seal any gaps you find greater than a quarter inch with metal to exclude rodents. Use silicone caulking or expanding foam to seal any gaps smaller than 1/4″.

  • Caulking cracks and gaps around windows and door frames, foundations and siding can help prevent spider pests from entering the home to some degree. Anticipate that insect pests will find entry points at places that may not be readily visible to you.
  • Inspect your foundation mid-day on a warm day for evidence of ant trails entering and place bait or repellent where activity is noted.
  • Keep an eye on moisture levels in the soil around your home and take steps necessary to make sure your yard dries thoroughly to prevent occasional pests like centipedes, flies, and springtails from becoming a nuisance.

Eco-Friendliest in the Northwest. 

Preventative Pest Inspection Facts & Tips:

  • Keep overhanging tree branches trimmed three to five feet away from sides of home to prevent rat, mouse and squirrel access.
  • Carpenter ants & odorous house ants also commonly use overhanging trees and shrubs to access homes.
  • Don’t bother trying to prevent ants in the home by sealing interior cracks & crevices. Odorous house ants will happily enter and exit through tiny holes barely visible to the naked eye. Interior cracks & crevices where ants are entering make the perfect place for your pest control professional to place bait out of reach of pets and children.
  • Preventative inspections for garden pests are part of the best organic pest control practices, and can be done as frequently as twice daily.

Get Your Pest Inspection from Local Pros

Pest inspections are a proven way to prevent pests from getting in your home. You’ll be happier sealing & repairing rodent entry points before they can intrude. This is an important first step to avoiding costly rodent control services. If you’d like a prompt, professional inspection for your home sale or peace of mind, give us a call today.

Pest & Pollinator LLC logo, Portland eco-friendly pest control service
Green Shield Certified logo with slogan "Pest control. Peace of mind."

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How can we help you?

Pest & Pollinator logo, Integrated Pest Management
Green Shield Certified logo with slogan "Pest control. Peace of mind."

Friendliest in the Northwest.

We're Oregon's–and the PNW's–only Green Shield Certified pest control company by the IPM Institute of North America. We're committed to our mission to protect your health, safety and sustainability. You can feel confident when choosing Pest & Pollinator that we're protecting your family, pets, and planet better.

Get in touch today.

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