Oregon Beaver Management
Beaver Removal & Non-Lethal Beaver Management
Successful beaver management requires lots of experience and a little creativity. Sometimes beavers damage priceless trees & landscaping, flood roads & parking lots and can even chew through electrical wires. Pest & Pollinator knows beaver management, from pond levelers and beaver dam removal to tree protection. Let us manage your beaver issue with compassion and professionalism.
Solving Beaver Problems Without Trapping
To solve beaver issues without trapping, first determine the extent of the issue. Is it living under your floating home or chewing on a mature landscaping tree? Are they plugging a culvert or flooding a field? Each situation with nuisance beavers might need to be treated differently.
- If possible, exclude the beavers from your property with beaver exclusion fencing at least four feet high.
- Next, install native plants for stormwater filtration, fish habitat, and to provide beavers natural foods.
- Manage flooding by removing the beaver dam to the desired height, then caging & submerging the intake on a drainage pipe so beavers cannot hear or feel the flowing water.
- Beaver removal services should always be a last-resort if no other Integrated Pest Management option is available.
How Do I Get Rid of Beavers?
To completely get rid of beavers, like other rodents, exclusion is basically the only option, and is often impractical. Although trapping may provide relief temporarily, it’s not recommended long term. Because if other beavers move in, you’ll be doing another beaver trapping service.
Many happy homeowners are reevaluating their relationship with beavers or implementing creative solutions. Beavers are champions of sustainability by filtering & storing water and increasing biodiversity in degraded wetland habitats. Check out Tree For All’s great resource on Living With Beavers for more info on tips for peaceful co-existence.
Beaver Flow Devices. 
Get Beaver Control Advice Today
We’re trusted Portland beaver control pros, completely licensed by ODFW for beaver management. Our ecology background informs our beaver management solutions. Wherever habitat conservation meets pest control, Pest & Pollinator is there.
If beavers are causing you damage & distress, contact your local beaver experts today. We’ll develop a compassionate beaver management strategy that solves your issue in the best way possible.
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Beaver Management Facts & Tips:
- Beavers are herbivores, whose favorite foods are cat tail roots, leafy vegetation and the nutritious inner bark layer of willows, dogwood and Western red cedar.
- They do not always build dams and lodges, beavers also make their homes in burrows into the sides of river channels, sometimes known as “bank beavers.”
- The sound of rushing water alerts beavers who typically respond by trying to dam the source of the rushing water noise.
- Pond leveler devices can be intalled to prevent issues with beaver dams causing flooding.
- Wrap large tree trunks with quarter inch galvanized steel mesh or create a cage approx 4′ high to prevent beavers damaging mature landscaping trees.
- For more information about beavers check out this link about Living with Beavers from Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife.
- Consider planting willows, dogwoods and other native vegetation as decoy fodder for beavers to discourage browsing on landscaping ornamentals. Willows are adapted for beaver browsing and will re grow annually.
How can we help you?
Habitat Restoration
Plant native species to encourage birds and pollinators naturally.
Plant health boost
Healthy, green yards make great habitat. We feed soil and plants the organic things they want.
Pest exclusion
We find where pests enter and repair or seal entry points to prevent pest issues in the future.
preventative inspections
Have the peace of mind knowing there aren’t any openings in your home for rats to enter.
Friendliest in the Northwest.
We're Oregon's–and the PNW's–only Green Shield Certified pest control company by the IPM Institute of North America. We're committed to our mission to protect your health, safety and sustainability. You can feel confident when choosing Pest & Pollinator that we're protecting your family, pets, and planet better.
Get in touch today.