Raccoon Services
Raccoon Latrine Removal
Are you looking for a professional to come take a look at your raccoon situation? Look no further.
We have to experience and knowledge to remove raccoon latrines safely, assess your situation and make specific treatments or recommendations to help you.
How to Clean Raccoon Poop
Because raccoons can carry a potentially hazardous roundworm larva, it’s probably a good idea to get rid of large piles of raccoon poop in your backyard.
Raccoons have a habit of using the same place to go to the bathroom, over and over again, resulting in a distinctive pile of wildlife feces which is referred to as a “raccoon latrine.”
The roundworm eggs can infect humans or pets if they contact contaminated poop, and can cause dangerous and rarely but possibly lethal symptoms when the eggs hatch into larvae inside the body. Because of this, the CDC recommends using rubber gloves, disposable shoe coverings, and other protective gear to minimize the risk of contacting raccoon roundworm eggs.
Humane Raccoon Services 
How To Get Rid of Raccoons
If you need to get rid of raccoons in your crawlspace or eaves, start by removing any fallen fruit, pet or bird food that may be attracting them. Secure any trash receptacles and compost bins.
You can monitor any entry points into the home with a crumpled up plastic garbage bag. Place the bag in the entry point and later if it’s pushed inwards you know the raccoon is probably still “home.” If the paper bag is pushed outwards, then the raccoon has probably left.
If you’re no longer hearing noises, having sightings and you have a high level of confidence the raccoon has left, then seal the entry point will well secured steel mesh or metal flashing. If you’re not totally sure, you can leave one corner unsecured. Raccoons do not have opposable thumbs, but they do have incredible strength and dextrous fingers that can remove loosely done repair work with ease.
Depending on the situation, you may need an inspection from a trained raccoon control professional. Sometimes raccoons can be evicted and excluded. Sometimes a live trap can provide additional information & control. We’ll do our best to provide the most humane raccoon removal strategy that takes care of your problem. Don’t worry about finding the best raccoon control company, call us today.
Raccoon Control Facts & Tips:
- Raccoons are not strictly nocturnal. Daytime sightings are not necessarily a cause for concern.
- Raccoons have strange cleanly habits like “washing” their food,
- And going to bathroom in the same area, referred to as a raccoon latrine.
- Raccoons leave distinctive scratch marks on fences, trees and structures they climb, which can be helpful for monitoring and excluding raccoon access.
- Be cautious if cleaning raccoon feces to prevent issues with a rare but potentially deadly roundworm larvae Baylisascaris procyonis.
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