Simple white flower icon with bee

Garden Pest Control Portland OR

Plant Health Care & Garden Pest Control

Plants looking unhealthy? Want to stop bugs eating veggies? No worries. Pest & Pollinator specializes in organic plant health care. We’ll fertilize and prevent pests and diseases with our proven methods.

How Do I Get Rid of Garden Pests Without Pesticides?

Getting rid of plant pests and diseases without using an ounce of pesticide is easy with a little preventative plant health care. Regenerative farmers, arborists, organic agriculturists and master gardeners all use organic products and techniques to prevent and control tree and crop destroying garden pests and pathogens.

Here are some Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tips for getting good garden pest control:

  • Refrain from excessive tilling to save beneficial native microbes.
  • Always keep a layer of 1-2″ of straw, wood chips, grass clippings or other mulch ontop of your soil. This promotes good plant nutrition and protects microbes from extreme heat, wind and cold.
  • Use high quality compost to encourage beneficial microbes. The more beneficial fungi and bacteria in the soil, the less available habitat there is for pathogens to spread.
  • Keeping your plants strong and healthy is the best way to control plant pests & diseases without pesticides.

Beneficial microbes from soil regeneration in compost help digest nutrients into a form that fertilizes your garden naturally. Learn how to make your own compost, or consider starting a worm bin. Always remember to enclose outside compost bins completely to prevent urban rats from taking advantage of those nutrients.

Natural Pest Control Portland. 

How Do I Protect My Trees & Landscaping Against Climate Change?

To protect your priceless trees and landscape against climate change, keep your plants & soil healthy with the steps listed above. A tree weakened by extreme heat or ice damage might become more susceptible to pests & soil pathogens.

Preventative plant health care is extremely important. Some plant diseases like Armillaria and Phytopthera have no known treatments once established. It’s helpful to tend your soil microbes. Beneficial fungi and other microorganisms have the ability to lessen the impacts of climate change on your garden, trees and landscape.

It might even be time to consider which plants and trees might be Portland’s most climate change resilient.

If you need extra firepower boosting plant health, controlling garden pests or diseases, or are interested in preventative soil health management give Pest & Pollinator a call today.

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Tomato plant icon symbolizing plant health care

Garden Pest Control Facts & Tips:

  • Plant roots create their own underground ecosystem called the soil food web or “rhizosphere.”
  • Chopping annual plants at ground level instead of pulling them after they’ve gone to seed allows the nutrients in the roots to be recycled back into the soil, called “root exudates.”
  • Mulch old flowers and veggie plants back into the garden to recycle nutrients from decomposing leaves and stems.
  • A vast majority of fungi species are beneficial for plants. If beneficial mycorrizhal fungi live on plant roots, pathogenic fungal disease species are less likely to become a problem.

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How can we help you?

Habitat Restoration

Plant native species to encourage birds and pollinators naturally.

preventative inspections

Have the peace of mind knowing there aren’t any openings in your home for rats to enter.

Mole & Gopher Control

Get affordable, professional mole & gopher control in Portland.

Wasp Control

Yellowjackets & paper wasps aren’t fun to get stung by. We can help with natural wasp control.

Green Shield Certified logo with slogan "Pest control. Peace of mind."

Friendliest in the Northwest.

We're Oregon's–and the PNW's–only Green Shield Certified pest control company by the IPM Institute of North America. We're committed to our mission to protect your health, safety and sustainability. You can feel confident when choosing Pest & Pollinator that we're protecting your family, pets, and planet better.

Get in touch today.

How can we help you?