Bed Bug Control
Bed Bugs Extermination
We have the knowledge & experience to provide you excellent results with natural, eco-friendly treatment. We’ll work dedicatedly to hunt down & get rid of bed bugs, and help you through the process safe & easy.
Bed Bug FAQs
How do you get bed bugs?
Bed Bug infestations are often caused by traveling in contaminated hotel rooms, public transit or movie theaters. When traveling, keep your luggage & items items off the beds, outside, or in the bath tub.
When you get home, use a flashlight to inspect the crevices & folds of your luggage for bed bugs.
What do bed bugs look like?
Bed Bugs are very small, but not invisible, about 1/8″ long. They are reddish, brown and sort of look like an apple seed.
They are very distinctive, so if you have something that looks like a bed bug, it’s probably best to check with your local State University Extension Service, or a local pest control professional. They’ll help you rule out other “bugs” that look like bed bugs such as bat bugs, bird mites, and ticks.
Are bed bug bites itchy?
Yes! Bed bug bites can cause an itchy, allergic reaction. Sometimes frequent itching will result in visible scabs.
What do bed bugs bites look like?
Bed bug bites are usually swollen, inflamed bumps, similar to a mosquito bite. Sometimes they are in groupings of 2-3 bites. Bites are often found on arms, legs & torso, where bed bugs have easy access at night.
How long can bed bugs live without food?
Bed bugs can survive anywhere from 1–12 months without a blood meal. If you don’t want to wait that long, you can put items in the freezer for 5 days, or dry on high heat (atleast 140F) for 10 minutes.
Bed Bug Treatment
If you’re looking for a bed bugs extermination service, but don’t want chemicals in the home, you’re in the right place. Don’t worry about how to eliminate bed bugs yourself, contact us today.
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