Simple white magnifying glass icon with small house inside
How To Get Natural Pest
How to Choose a Pest Control Company

How to Choose a Pest Control Company

Picking any contractor can be a hassle. Pest control is no different. Use this article as a guide to picking the right pest control company.Local Pest ControlIf you ask for pest control help on reddit, you'll notice a lot of pest professionals recommending to choose a...

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants Naturally

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants Naturally

Carpenter ants are notorious for freaking out homeowners who think their house is about to fall down. Luckily, unlike termites, carpenter ant cannot digest wood, but rather excavate burrows called "galleries" for nesting. Carpenter ants can be hard to get rid of...

How to Remove Ants Naturally with Cleaning

How to Remove Ants Naturally with Cleaning

If you want to stay on top of ants without using chemicals, obviously cleaning is important. But how do you get the most out of your efforts?Sealing FoodAnts are highly evolved foragers. Sometimes the colonies are referred to as "superorganisms," because each ant...

How to Get Rid of Wasps and Yellow Jackets Naturally

How to Get Rid of Wasps and Yellow Jackets Naturally

Wondering how to get rid of a wasps nest naturally? This article answers common wasp treatment questions. So you can make the right decision to protect yourself, pollinators & the environment. Hornet vs. WaspIf you're wondering whether you have a hornet, wasp, or...

What Really Repels Rats & Mice?

What Really Repels Rats & Mice?

Did you see a rat outside... Or hear one inside? Before you go buying a bunch of DIY rodent repellents online, read this article to help you decide whether that's right for your situation– or if you need to try something else.How Do I Keep Rats Off my...

10 Ways to Get Rid of Rats without Killing Them

10 Ways to Get Rid of Rats without Killing Them

If you live in a city like Portland Oregon, chances are you've encountered a rat at some point. Most city people aren't fond of harming furry little animals. So you're definitely not alone in the search for good-quality information on how to get rid of rats without...

The 5 Best DIY Treatments for Ants (Safe for Pets)

The 5 Best DIY Treatments for Ants (Safe for Pets)

Ants can be a huge nuisance, but you might not consider them "pests." Certainly not enough to go spraying a bunch of weird chemicals around your kitchen. But you'd like them gone, no worries. You've come to the right place. This blog has 5 recipes for homemade ant...

How Do You Get Rid of Sugar Ants Permanently

How Do You Get Rid of Sugar Ants Permanently

Whether its your first time or tenth looking for information on how to get rid of ants permanently, you've come to the right place. How to Get Rid of Ants Permanently NaturallyThere are so many ways to kill, repel, clean and seal out ants. But unless you have a...

Hear Scratching in the Ceiling? – What To Do Next

Hear Scratching in the Ceiling? – What To Do Next

In the early morning (or middle of the night) you awake to hear scratch, scratch, scratch. Or tap, tap, tap. Rodents, squirrels, raccoons & even bats frequently intrude people's homes & attics.Noises in AtticAnimal noises in the attic are often described as...

How to Keep Spiders Away From the Outside of Your House

How to Keep Spiders Away From the Outside of Your House

Fall is spider season in Oregon. Maybe you don't want every spider dead, but you sure don't appreciate webs strung out at face height all over your home & yard.How to Keep Spiders Away From HomeYou've come to the right place. We'll go over how to keep spiders away...

3 Highly-Effective Natural Wasp Repellents with Essential Oils

3 Highly-Effective Natural Wasp Repellents with Essential Oils

It's getting to be that time of year when wasps buzz around our picnics, and can cause anxiety or stinging incidents. You don't want to get stung, but you also don't want to use toxic chemicals to keep wasps away. No problem. Luckily there are lots of great ways ways...

How to Get Rid of Wasp Ground Nests Guaranteed

How to Get Rid of Wasp Ground Nests Guaranteed

If you're wondering how to get rid of wasp ground nests safely and permanently, you're in the right spot. This article has all my insider wasp exterminator tips on how I get rid of wasps, hornets & yellowjacket ground nests guaranteed.How to Get Rid of Ground...

7 Powerful Resources to Help You Reduce Pesticide Use

7 Powerful Resources to Help You Reduce Pesticide Use

The key to reducing pesticide use is having access to good information about pest control. We've taken a moment to compile a list of all the great resources for pest control professionals and landowners to reference when deciding how to reduce pesticide use. Solve...

Top 5 Best Pet Safe Ways to Control Roaches

Top 5 Best Pet Safe Ways to Control Roaches

Got creepy-crawlie cockroaches? Curious whether roach sprays are safe for pets, or if there is a pet-friendly roach bomb? Luckily it's the 21st century of pest control. If you read these tips, you'll learn how to control roaches without exposing your pets to pesticide...

How to Deter Beaver Mischief with Beaver Exclusion Fencing

How to Deter Beaver Mischief with Beaver Exclusion Fencing

Searching for answers how to get rid of beavers? There could be a more permanent solution than hiring a beaver exterminator. If beaver dams are eating your trees, flooding your property, or blocking your culvert, beaver exclusion fencing might be right for you.Getting...

How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs With Essential Oils

How to Get Rid of Stink Bugs With Essential Oils

Brown marmorated stink bugs. You're frustrated with big brown bugs on the outside of your house? It's probably these guys. In Fall, brown marmorated stink bugs search for warm crevices in which to shelter overwinter.Remedies to Get Rid of Stink Bugs NaturallyIf you're...

How To Prevent Rats From Eating Car Wires

How To Prevent Rats From Eating Car Wires

Scrolling for good information on how to prevent rats from eating car wires? You're not alone. Across the nation, rats are chewing car wires and causing hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of repairs. Here's what one Portland rat exterminator recommends you should...

Devastating Discovery of Emerald Ash Borer in Oregon

Devastating Discovery of Emerald Ash Borer in Oregon

Anxious environmentalists have been dreading the arrival of emerald ash borer in Oregon. Sadly, on June 30th 2022, the presence of emerald ash borer in Oregon was found by a Portland biologist picking his children up from summer camp.Emerald Ash Borer OregonFor folks...

The Complete Guide to Pet Safe Ant Control

The Complete Guide to Pet Safe Ant Control

If you're like me, you go to ridiculous lengths to keep your beloved pet safe and happy. Many pet owners tolerate ants year after year because of unanswered questions about pet safe ant control. This complete pet safe ant exterminator's guide will answer all those...

Cleaning Away The Mice (Guest Blog by Grove Pest Control)

Cleaning Away The Mice (Guest Blog by Grove Pest Control)

This guest-post was originally written by our fellow eco-friendly Pest Control operator Erik Johnson of Grove Pest Control out of Calgary Canada. Enjoy! Cleaning is the number one weapon against mice in the house. You can clean the mice right out! Maybe not literally,...

Portland’s Premier Eco-Friendly Pest Control Services

Excellent customer service is our passion. Eco-safety is our priority. Founded by a lifelong naturalist & organic gardener, we always use IPM to solve pest issues quickly, while protecting pollinators & the environment.

Pest control person standing in front of pickup truck

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