Simple white magnifying glass icon with small house inside
How To Get Natural Squirrel Control
Hear Scratching in the Ceiling? – What To Do Next

Hear Scratching in the Ceiling? – What To Do Next

In the early morning (or middle of the night) you awake to hear scratch, scratch, scratch. Or tap, tap, tap. Rodents, squirrels, raccoons & even bats frequently intrude people's homes & attics.Noises in AtticAnimal noises in the attic are often described as...

Invasive Squirrels in Oregon: The Dangerous Cost of Squirrel Feeding

Invasive Squirrels in Oregon: The Dangerous Cost of Squirrel Feeding

When it comes to squirrels in Oregon, we love to go nuts. Daydreaming while watching squirrels can be a welcomed distraction. Many folks even feed squirrels to get a better glimpse. But there's a few reasons why we shouldn't feed squirrels in Oregon. Let's take a look...

5 Things You Need To Know About Squirrel Removal

5 Things You Need To Know About Squirrel Removal

Zebra mussels, wild boars, and Burmese phythons are famous examples invasive animal pests. In the Everglades wildlife biologists report the pythons have slurped up to ninety-five percent of the small mammals there. And thats just in twenty five years of pythons being escaped in the Everglade ecosystem.

Portland’s Premier Eco-Friendly Pest Control Services

Excellent customer service is our passion. Eco-safety is our priority. Founded by a lifelong naturalist & organic gardener, we always use IPM to solve pest issues quickly, while protecting pollinators & the environment.

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